Finally yesterday i managed to revise all my biology notes
Coz last sunday i finish it dy
So yesterday just revise and look through those experiments

Yesterday i didn't go to add maths tuition
Coz last week sir said today going to do revision again
So I don't wanna go lo
Coz my add maths paper over dy
Go for what?
Better stay at home to study my bio
Today the paper 3 started at 8.00am
Before that szlin and i keep on looking through the success book
Study all the important notes...
Then saw triangle holding the paper walking around
So i asked him what is the experiments questions about
Then he said is about food
So szlin and i keep on memorise the procedure of the peanut experiment
At 8.00am
The exam started
Triangle distribute the exam paper
Then when i open the first page

The first question is about photosynthesis!
I didn't study about that
But teacher gave us did this experiments before...
Luckily i got look through the work book that teacher help us bought one
The questions are almost the same
I dunno how to do 2 questions only
And both of that was asking why must put sodium hydrogen carbonate in the water
I remember yesterday i saw this question in the work book
But i forgot dy!

That time i was so panic
Then cause my brain like can't function anymore like that

Just now triangle said questions is about food
Then we thought is peanut
Mana tau is the startch la,protein la...
Then triangle past by my table
Here are the conversation...
Triangle: Know how to do or not?
Me: Ok la...but sir said the experiments is about food...then i thought is about peanut...mana tau is about starch and protein...
Triangle: about food what...not correct meh?

After that is paper 1
That one ok la
Not very difficult
Then recess
After recess was paper 2
The paper that everyone hate the most
Coz is 2 and a half hours
So long the time
And the questions in paper 2 are more difficult compare to paper 3 and paper 1
I did question 1 first
Then till question 2
That one quite difficult
After that i straight away look through all the questions in the paper
And i found that
It was not that difficult!
Is difficult
But not that difficult as i thought
After look through the questions
I think i still got plenty of time to finish it
So i took out a piece of A4 paper
Then i start drawing
Dunno why i will did that
So long didn't draw dy
Suddenly start drawing
Feel a bit weird weird
Here is my drawing
Those word are
" I don't want to wash the toilet "
And there is a witch at the side there
Which is my bio teacher
Sitting on a broom

Hope this time i won't fail my bio
And i think either sejarah or chemistry will be my first fail subject in my life!
Amitofo amitofo

I don't want to fail one of my subject!
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