My computer kena virus!
Can't online for so many days!
Then that day monday
My mum took it to the pc world at bukit beruang
They said we can take it back on saturday
Damn long
But my bro said reformat need 1 day only
Dunno why they all took so long
Nvm la~
Yesterday my mum and i went to take the cpu
Then came back straight away called my bro to fix it
Then start to online!
The first thing i wanna download is qvod player!
Then later u all know la wat show i wanna download
Of course is 命中注定我爱你!
Now downloading it..
I can't live without that show
Exams is just around the corner
So sien wanna study
Left so few days for me to study yet im typing my blog now
This is the midyear test
It tooks about 2 weeks
I have to sit for 23 test papers!

No time to online dy la!

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