I'm very busy today!
Woke up early in the morning
Washed all my uniforms
Hardworking le
After that watched tv for awhile
Then start to study my biology
So many weird and long names need to memorise
The exam is until chapter 6
Before the photosynthesis
Which is till chapter 6.9
But is still a lot!
I need 5 minutes to finish study 1 page

I have to study about 175 pages of the success book
Including the exercises la
But i just study the notes only
Didn't do the exercise
Not enough time dy still do the exercises for what?!
Luckily tomorrow no need to go grandma house
If not...
Hope today can finish my bio
Have to be more hardworking

And my aim for bio is 40 marks only!
Coz 老巫婆

My bio teacher la
She said those who fail bio
Have to wash the school's toilet for 2 periods!

And she said if the toilet is not clean
Have to wash for the second time!!
What the...

Nvm la
If i fail
Sure got other people fail also one

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