Every morning I will walk the middle part of the basketball court to go to my class for assembly
But today I walked from the back part
Don't know why
Suddenly want to walk from the back
Before I reach my class
Li Wei came near me
I got a shock after I heard that
Why is it so sudden?
Her father ( Mr Khoo ) just leave us on Monday
Now she said she will go to the new school on this Friday!
We just had a short conversation
And I promised her will meet her up after school
After the assembly
My friends and I went to to field to stay back for the Japanese trip
But at last we can't go
What to do~
Go to club's meeting lo
Today I skipped Moral period
Coz there were some people came to my school for the Hepatitis B thing
So we went to the hall during Moral period
I'm not going to take the blood test tomorrow
Coz my mum call me go Pantai Hospital to check
And tomorrow after school I got library duty
After duty I got house practise some more
Need to brush up my skill for lontar peluru
If can
This year I want to join lempar cakera also

Went Art Club's meeting after school
Didn't to go Tourism Club's meeting
Coz I already went there for the first perjumpaan
And I also don't know whether today got Tourism Club's meeting or not

Today I'm not really involve in the meeting
Only 2 students register with me
Coz I went in late
And Li Wei came to find me when the meeting just started
Both of us chat at outside of the seni room
We still keep on chatting even though the meeting is already end
Can you imagine how long we chat?
Knew a lot of things from her
And she knew I like Sony TX 1

She likes that camera also
Don't know Mr Khoo will buy that for her or not
She is going to leave us on this Friday
Hope she can get use to the environment when she is at her new school
Wish her all the best~!

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