Really happy today
Coz Blue House won the first place for cross country~!

Today I ran a bit only
Coz this is the last year already
Plus Zhi Yun and I were searching for blossom plant along the track
Finally we found it
But can't pluck it
Coz the plant is too big already...
Run run run
Walk walk walk
Finally saw Ms Kok
She said : 喂慧珊,快点叻。。。你在散步还是跑步?
Of course is 散步 la...
Szlin forgot to bring her camera to school today
If not
This post won't be this short

Hope this year can break the record
That is Blue House can get the first place during sports day!
Coz since I was Form 1
Red house won until I was Form 4

This year I will try to lontar the peluru as far as I can
Coz I want to go MSSM again!
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