These few days I'm really lack of sleep
Coz have to wake up early in the morning
And at night have to attend tuition from Monday - Saturday
This is the 1st week of school
Learn a lot of things
Really a lot~
Not only about education
But also about teachers and friends
Day 1
Study in 5 Sc 1
Sit with Zhi Yun again
Finally I can get rid of her ( somebody that you don't need know...xD )
I bet with Han Lim again
I bet that Mary's car is a Kancil
He said it is a Kelisa
And finally I win!
Now he still owe me 2 pieces of roti telur
Don't know when just can eat it
Coz I don't have time to go out with friends this few weeks
That day Sandra keep on singing the 'Sorry Sorry'

Day 2
Mr Chiew teach us Modern Maths
I'm not use to it
Coz last time he taught me Add Maths
He looks weird when I see him doing simple questions
Pn Chee teach us history again
Really like the way she teaches us history

That day Sandra keep on say 'pek cek'
New day new words
Day 2 is the first time Pn Soh teach me English
Have to write an essay about ' Yesterday '
And pass up in two weeks time
So long for what?
Last time Pn Susan want us pass up our essay when her lesson ends

Day 3
PJ time~!
Long time didn't exercise already
And when we went into the changing room
Oh my~
It was just like a sauna with 'pungent smell'
A fainted people will wake up immediately when they are in the room~!
After recess was Chemistry period
Saw Pn Lian again
She changed her hair style
Looks a bit old
I still prefer she tie a pony tail on her head
After Chemistry was Add Maths
Mr Khoo HS teach us this subject
This teacher ah
Really funny
Zhi Yun and I keep on laughing during his class
Laughed till the school dismiss

Day 4
Raining day
Reached school at 6.50a.m.
Damn early~
First period was Add Maths again
Of course
Keep on laughing again~
After that was Sivik
Mr Guna came in
Continue to laugh again
Coz he is a really funny teachers that knew a lot of things
Especially history~
During Biology period
I sit between Zhi Yun and Nadiatul at the 4th row
Coz in front no place already
But I still can see the board la
No need to use magnifying glass

Went to eat satay celup with family at Capitol
No need to queue up
Coz that time was 11p.m. already
Tried a lot of new satay celup food at there
Such as sausage with cheese in it,scallops and abalone
Ate till the next morning just go back
Reached home about 1a.m.
Day 5 ( Today )
Sandra word's for today is 'Ochipala ochipala'
After assembly
We had to go some places according to our house
I'm blue house's member
So I went to the hall
And the new captain for blue house is Lai
Red house is Nadzmi
Yellow house is Krisna
Green house is Viknesh
After the house meeting
Physic period left about 15 minutes only
But we still have to attend
Copied 1 example only also fun

After that was Modern Maths
Today sir go very fun and got a lot of questions need to do
All easy one la
But I had to use a long time to finish it
Still will do wrong some more
What to do
My maths is not that good
Today Pn Chee didn't come into our class
But it is Pn Mak
Discussed about the SPBT thing
I didn't take Chinese
So went to the library after recess
5 days of schooling
Now really tired and starving
Later going Melaka Raya to have my dinner
Don't know wth my family want to eat some more
These few days keep on eat junk food only

P/S : I will update my blog on every Friday or weekends only...sorry~
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