My family and I ate our dinner at some where in Melaka Baru
We used bro's car
Coz his friend came to fetch him to go countdown
So after our dinner
My mum said go eat kerang at Taman Merdeka
We went there
The kerang finish already
So we went to Krubong
Wanna eat satay celup
When we reach there
Saw a lot of people were standing at outside of the shop
Full house already
So we went Bukit Baru
Wanna eat roti canai
From Krubong go to Bukit Baru
What a long way to go~!
Coz using bro's car
We can go anywhere we want except town
So this year's Xmas eve I countdown in the car

When we reach the roti canai shop
The worker said ' Roti sudah habis '
Never mind
Dad said go eat Mc Donald
Coz sure got place to sit and sure got food to eat~!
So we went to Melaka Mall's Mc Donald
Haven't reach there
Can see a lot of people were eating inside
Han Lim was inside too
But I didn't saw him la...
No place at there
So we went to Taman Buaya's Mc Donald
Mum said if time if no place to sit then wanna go back already

But luckily
Not many people inside
So we ordered 3 sets of Happy Meal
Long time didn't order that set already
Got 3 free toys
Avatar one
But I don't really like it
So didn't take its photo
After our supper
Went back home
Almost 1.30a.m.
Online awhile then went to sleep
It's Christmas~!
I followed my mum go to Bukit Beruang to had our breakfast
After that go home
Rest for awhile
Watched 30 minutes of Secret
Then went to my aunt's house
When the time reach 4.00p.m.
I went to bm tuition
Christmas also have to go tuition
And sir said next week
Which is 1.1.2010
Also got tuition~!

First day of new year also have to go tuition

And he open another new class
Which is on Sunday
Xin Ying sure will go to that class one
As usual
Later going to my childhood friend's house to celebrate Xmas party
Can't wait already~!

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