Saturday, January 10, 2009 ~ 1/10/2009 03:08:00 PM 0 Comments
Long time didn't update my blog dy So now i will write what had happen during this 5 schooling days I think it will be quite long So read it patiently la =) This few days so busy man Haiz No time to watch tv and play computer And the most important is I can't watch 100% Entertainment dy! T.T Coz monday and thursday got add maths tuition Wednesday got tuition physic tuition Tmr still got bm tuition at roslanSo damn busy I think the time i saw my friends is longer than the time i saw my family =x Next month lagi busy Coz start from next month i will go for account tuition at mr tay there From monday till thursday i will go back at 9.30pm Haiz Form 4 is not a honey moon year~ So busy dy still got time to honey moon? Lol~ So many teacher said that form 4 is a honey moon year But for me IT IS NOT AT ALL! So many things happen during this 5 days Now i will write it day by day =)
Day 1 Woke up at 6.15am So early man But my dad said it was late already =.=' Then brush teeth and change clothes This year didn't buy any new school uniform n school shoes Coz it still looks new Lol~ After that went downstairs The grandmother clock shows that it is only 6.30am! Omg If it is last year This is the time i just wanna wake up! Then i told my dad So early go to school for wat? Then he said Nvm...relax la... =.=' So early woke up just call me to relax??? Reach school around 6.50am Can't find my friends at the time Maybe too early? Lol~ Later saw zhi yun,zhi wei,xin ying n szlin Then went to tapak perhimpunan We were so sesat at there Coz dunno where we should stand Then just simply stand at the corridor lo Chit chat again And zhi wei said that she grew taller this year -.-' She is the tallest girl among us Now grew taller again Lol~ Then saw angeline at the opposite there Called her to come n join with us Awhile more saw sandra Wei qi came at the time when the assembly is going to start Then one of the prefect said 4sc2 had to stand infront Haiz Zhi yun,szlin n me had to seperate with angeline,sandra.wei qi, zhi wei n xin ying =( Then knew that 4sc1 n 4sc2 were floating class Haiz I hate floating class 4Sc1 was at the biology lab Then 4sc2 will be in the chemistry lab I sit with zhi yun n szlin Sandra's mom is our class teacher Sandra really looks alike with her mom Lol~ The character oso Super active one Haha Then saw one new student in our class Her name is ervinna tan She is angeline's friend Came from smk tun mutahir That day went home at 2.00pm I sit wei qi's car went home coz i don have transport Everybody was working Haiz Reach home at 2.30pm Bathe,ate lunch n watch corner with love again Haha This show i watched so many times dy But i still wanna watch it Coz very nice ma So watch lo After that had a nap So tired man~ Then woke up at 6.30pm Prepared for add maths tuition 8.00pm---At Skor A tuition centre I reached there around 7.45pm Everybody went inside dy When i opened the door Saw wei qi n szlin finding places Then i called them to go in front Then we sit in front of zhi wei,shu mei n rui ying So many funny thing happen Lol~ The mr huan very humour one All laugh till like orang gila Haha Then reached home at 9.50pm Went out for dinner Reached home at 11.00pm Then brush teeth n went to sleep ZzZzZzZz
Day 2 Woke up at 6.20am Then went to school That day we got our text book So confusing at the time Coz i dunno wanna take chinese or not But at last i take Coz my chinese teacher said We can go for 2-3 months If don wanna continue Can stop it So i try lo If really don wan I will stop At 2pm We had to register for kelab n persatuan Art club was in the hall This year we had 22 new members So few~ But it is good Haha At least the name list no need to taip so long Then went home at 2.80pm Reach home at 3.05pm Went to bathe then ate lunch Then i slept from 4-9pm Lol~ Luckily that day don have tuition So can sleep longer Then had dinner Slept at 1.00am Lol~
Day 3 Woke up at 6.25am Nothing much happen on that day 2pm had to register for badan beruniform Then the scouts got so many ppl man! After that went bilik seni to discuss how to decorate the board Then went home That day i just slept for 30 minutes Coz at 7.30pm i got physic tuition Then i reach there at 7.00pm So may ppl were there dy Then saw zhi yun,angeline,lai tee,huey shin,szlin,zhi wei,qiao wei n a lot... Then we went in to the tuition centre And i forgot that rebecca said she will phone meCoz when im in the tuition centre My hp can't receive any line Stupid hp! So when somebody phone my I can't receive So sorry rebecca I really forgot it dy Then i sit with zhi yun n zhi wei Yi shan,angeline n szlin sit in front of us Then qiao wei sit in front of szlin Then when im chatting with shu mei they all Suddenly qiao wei called me Coz she saw penguin =.= Then they all keep on laughing Lol~ I oso dunno wat they all laughing about At 7.28pm Still got ppl come That day really got a lot of ppl man And a lot of ppl don have place to sit But i still can't find rebecca Then i wanna phone her Then i forgot that inside the centre i my hp can't receive any line Haiz But at last i saw her Lol~ So happy Haha That day really got a lot of funny thing happen The mr huan ah Dunno how to describe it Lol~ After tuition Traffic jam at outside the tuition centre Then saw rebecca Chat for awhile Then went back That day i slept very late oso I think is around 12.00am
Day 4 Woke up at 6.30am Lol~ Late woke up 5 minutes late everyday Haha So lazy wanna type it dy =) Emm That day ah Didn't sleep in the afternoon Played games in the computer Haha At 7.20pm i went add maths tuition Then laugh laugh laugh again And that day Szlin,me,angeline n wei qi were so cold man Just like in the snow world Lol~ And our hand become white colour Haha After tuition Wei qi sit my car go back Then when i reached home Went to bath Then watched nanny daddy n ate my dinner So happy that day Coz friday i don have any tuition YAY~
Day 5 Woke up at 6.25am The first period is moral Is a malay teacher teach us We call her sister maria Coz her tudung n her dress Haha Then BI period Saw sandra's mom Then szlin n i count she said how many times of 'u know' this word Then we counted she said 10 times the word at the first period The second period we didn't count Coz forgot dy n we had homework to do Then later got sivik Lol~ The mr sarsi ah... Another sampat teacher Everytime make us laugh Haiz That day When he was talking in front of the class He saw somebody making paper boat Then he took one water bottle n a plastic file (looks like bag that type) Then he opened the file n pour water in it! And he put the paper boat on the water Then he said U wanna play u play la I prepared for u dy And he sing ROW ROW ROW UR BOAT Lol~ So sampat man Haiz That day my dad come n fetch me Then reach home at 12.35pm Ate lunch After that start to wash my uniform,school shoes n stocking I put a lot of sabun in the water And got a lot of bubble Lol~ After that rinse the uniform n school shoes I forgot the stocking was inside that pail Then i threw all the water into the toilet bowl! I dunno the stocking was in the water Coz too many bubbles dy After that i start to do my homeworks Till at night I went to collect my uniform And im finding where is my stocking... Then i just remembered Omg! The stocking went into the toilet bowl dy! Then i told my parents Then they said if the toilet bowl got stuck how? Then i said i dunno Then they got nothing to say... Haha I really forgot dy This few day i always forgot to do a lot of things Haiz Yesterday ate mee hoon kueh as my dinner Then slept at 11.30pm
Haiz This few days really so busy and tired man Everyday not enough sleep Tuition here n there So many homeworks some more No time to watch tv n play computer So next time i will write my blog on saturday only If monday till friday i got time i will write it also But most probably is on the saturday la So check up for more updates =D Have a nice day everyone!
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