Friday, January 02, 2009 ~ 1/02/2009 01:19:00 PM 0 Comments
This is my first post for year 2009 Yesterday i didn't post anything Coz no time wanna write it Now i got a lot of time dy Coz my sis n her friend went penang =) So happy Haha Coz nobody kacau me But i so lonely Nobody talk to me Nobody play with me Nobody gaduh with me Lol~
Today is wei qi's birthday! HaPpY BiRtHdAy WeI qI!!!!!!! Then i woke up at 7.30am 8am wei qi came to my house fetch me then go to school When i reached school I saw so many didi moi moi at the canteen I so pity those kanak-kanak Haha Coz first time go to the school already kena scold by Pn.Susan! Haiz So kesian Then i found out Nowadays kids are become smaller and smaller in size Why ah? Lol~ This question must ask the god ^-^ Then saw xin ying Went to bilik seni together Saw ms hei Then later wei qi n zhi yun oso came Then suddenly sandra phoned me Lol~ I haven't say HI to her She already cut off the line =.=' Then i saw her walking towards bilik seni She looks like just came back from the market Lol~ Then ms hei called us to help her clean the cupboard So we took all those things out from the cupboard lo So many things man And got a lot of habuk and cicak's shit EEEWWW~ So geli man Then we keep on laughing while pindah things from the cupboard to the table Then when we chit chat for awhile only The ms hei start to bla bla bla at the side Haiz This 'lao chu nu' ah... So damn 'lohso' one -.-' Wat to do Her character is like this one =P After pindah all those things out from the cupboard Wei qi,zhi yun and i start to tear out the manila card Wei qi and i pull out the same paper Then suddenly wei qi and i scream Lol~ Coz the cicak's shit flew away and drop on her hand Haha Then we have to alas the rak of the the cupboard with new manila card Im the one who had to staple it with staple gun Haiz My hand so pain ooo =( Then put back all the things into the cupboard Then sandra asked me when wanna give wei qi her birthday present Then i said now lo So sandra and angel took her birthday present Went to hug her and said happy birthday to her Lol~ Then we said bye bye to ms hei,xin ying and wei qi Coz we had to go library So few people in the library man... The first one i saw in the library was LMX! Coz of his size and his shirt's colour Lol~ Then susun buku Haiz Boring~ After that we decide wanna go back to bilik seni But we saw wei qi at downstairs Then we chit chat for awhile Then planned wanna go jetty to celebrate wei qi's birthday But always no conclusion Haiz Then wei qi said her mum waiting dy Then said bye bye to they all :-)
Wei qi's mum brought us to their own house On the way Zhi yun sms me She said i will go to 4sc2 Haiz Then she said sandra call us to rayu So that we can study in 4sc1 But she said 4sc2 class teacher is sandra's mom! Lol~ Then she said she don't feel like wanna rayu dy Haha I oso forgot reached their house at wat time Then saw her relatives And i oso saw the XXXXL size 'hamster' LOL~ Actually is a rabbit lai de Haha At first i tot is hamster Then she said is rabbit *-* Then i reached home at 11.30am Then went to bath Ate lunch Then ONLINE! Haha Now chatting with xin ying,sandra, zhi wei n sin lee Lol~ Xin ying,sandra and zhi wei playing games They all keep on laughing and screaming Lol~ Im going to pekak dy Coz i used haeadphone =.=
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