Actually I wanted to go to school today
Coz got biology period and I don't want to miss it!
Woke up at 11.30am
Ate ' wan tan mee' as my breakfast
At 2pm
My mum fetch me to school
Coz got saringan again
Took part in lembing and cakera
Saw Sandra and Zhi Wei at pavilion
Xin Ying and Joshua at the scout house there
Teaching their 'children' (green house members) marching for sport day

At 3.15pm
Zhi Wei went high jump
I went lembing
Coz lembing event start first
Pn Mak and Pn Guga were the teachers who incharge of lembing
This event is open to all the girls in the school
So have to wait quite long for my turn

Threw 6 times
All of them pacak this year!
Not like last year
Pacak once or twice only
The result...
Of course Yong Zhin got the first place
Won't change one unless she is not taking part
I got second and Davinya got third
Really didn't expect about it
Coz last year I got third last if I'm not mistaken
And this year I got second
Thanks to Lai for teaching me how to play lembing on the spot
So that I can get a silver medal for blue house
After lembing
Straight away went for cakera
And I really pek cek with those teachers who incharge of cakera
They are the one who have to see and take down the readings
But we all contestants have to do it ourselves
We have to see the reading and tell them
They sit down at there
Enjoy their drinks and chit chat!

I was freaking pek cek with it
After I lempar my last time
I straight away went back!
The weather was so hot some more
And my both of my legs got 2 colours already
Damn obvious man
My hat was wet like mad also!

I think Laura got first and Farah got second and I got 5th or 6th
Coz I went back before the game finish
P/S : Zhi Wei was very pek cek with Mr Michael Chong also...
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