Went sumber to duty
After that went perhimpunan
When i reached there
Saw ervinna alone
I think she was searching for me

Coz she keep on turn here and there
Sorrry ervinna for being late
Coz i went duty

Today my class less than 20 people came
Ervinna and i were the only 2 girls!

After perhimpunan
Shyre may and i went to find mr tay
Tourism club's teacher advisor
He taught me how to type those perancangan already
I think i can finish it by this week
And pass it to him on next tuesday
Coz monday got add maths exam
So tuesday just pass to him lo...
After that went to physic lab
Called ervinna go bio lab to join sandra they all
Hanlim borrowed my add maths tuition papers to brush up his add maths

So geng already still wanna brush up
Sandra,weiqi and zhiwei also
All doing add maths
While they doing their add maths
We also talked about a lot of hilarious things
Laugh till my jaw going to drop off!

I went back to physic lab during bio period
Pn mark doesn't wanna give away the papers
Coz she said too little people already
So next week...
Pn susan came in during the second period of bio
Saw she giving away english exam papers
Then i went to take mine
And i got 74 only...
Then pn susan called me to check my marks
And here are the conversation between pn susan and i...
Pn susan : Are you the one who wrote 'friends like bra'?
Me : Yup
Pn susan : You wrote it in your last essay right? (my last essay's title was FRIENDS)
Me : Yes...why?
Pn susan : Somebody has copied your idea!
Me : Owh...really?
Pn susan : Yala...
Don't care la
Wanna copy then copy la
What to do

After that was sejarah period
Got my sejarah exam papers
And i got 64 only...
Luckily didn't fail !
Coz i used 1 and a half day to studied it !
Went to staff room to find pn noraini to get a name list to write down the marks for sejarah papers
And half of my class failed sejarah !

20 of them fail...
After took down all the marks
Went staff room again to give the paper to pn noraini
Before went back to the lab
Chit chat awhile with ms kok
And she said she is going to mark paper 2 and 3 during this saturday and sunday
Maybe going to give out all the papers on next tuesday!
Wah seh...
Mark so fast for what?

After that went recess
Ate till half way
Xinying called me to see ms hei immediately!
So went to find her lo
She said going to have a steamboat party at her house
Will held it before 1.12.2009
Coz after that date she is going to holiday with her friends
Hey ms hei,
You go holiday or go 打猎?

Only my friends know what is the meaning of 打猎...
After recess went to bio lab to join they all again
And this time we talked something about pc fair,spectacles and ghost!

We also talked about our nightmares too!

That was really fun~
Found goose bumps on my hands while hanlim and zhiwei talked about that
We talked about our childhood also
Childhood was really fun!
Really miss my childhood times...

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