Last saturdayMy family and i went jbCoz sis gonna study at one of the school at thereSo we stay there at one of the hotel for 1 nightThen came back on last sunday=)

in front of the hotel

luckly my brother brought his laptop there
and the hotel have wireless one
so online at there lo
took this pic when sis online...


facebook again...

my dog!

first time saw these words...

weird pose...
Around 8pm
We ate our dinner
Then took some photos at the lobby of the hotel


Sunday morningOur room was so cold until the window became like that=D

At 9.00am
We went sis's school to register...

while waiting for my mum and sis....
Went back at 2.30pm
Reach home around 5.30pm
That's all...
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